Brand Building For Institutions
With a team, that has decades of experience in Digital Marketing for the education industry, our strategic branding exercises are spot on and always surprise our educational institution clients with the desired results, often achieving the impossible. When MBIS started A levels, our online branding helped to build and establish the brand in a crowded market, and fill up admissions quickly. For IIEBM Pune, we revamped the website to reflect their new brand philosophy.

How We Achieve Results
- Create brand logos
- Build websites with sharp content
- Highlight USPs
- Personal branding for Principals/Directors
- Create Video blogs/ newsletters
- Social Media promotions for potential parents/students
- Alumni testimonials

Lead Generation
It is our proficiency in lead generation that has helped institutions like RMCC to increase leads by 300% in our first year of partnership. From building interactive websites which bring in admission enquires and enrolments to augmenting with SEO, blogs, social media, and personalized online communication, we do it with an eye on the bottom-line.

Using Emerging Technologies
We use new age technologies like AI, ML and Data Analytics to personalize the student experience, and provide the best support, driving student engagement and greater educational access. We help institutions design, customize, implement and manage several sustainable digital systems, including SIS (student management system), CRM, HRMS (human resources management system) and financial management systems. These go on to increase student enrolment, enhances student and staff’s satisfaction, optimizes operations and drives learning outcomes.
We use technology to -
- Enable online learning with a robust platform supporting personalized and immersive learning.
- Build end-to-end platforms for creating AI based learning modules and assessments.
- Cloud computing for availability of learning resources and applications such as gaming, video on demand and live streaming media.
- Warrant resilient IT operations with remote management ensuring security of servers, networks and end points.
- Enable creation of personalized learning pathways and support for completion of online assessments.
- Allow parents to follow students’ performances and administrators to streamline operations, from admissions to accounting, hiring of staff and payroll.
Solutions We Offer
- Bus Service/Fleet management
- Online presentations % tutorials
- E-learning content/online courses
- Parent-Student-School portal development/app development
- Fleet management
- Live online classes
- Customized Apps
- Online internal tests with marksheets/certification
The Intermind Advantage
At Intermind, we have the process and domain excellence to transform the education value system, right across the entire student cycle. We have inhouse domain and technical expertise to envision, design and deliver transformative results in education.
From preschools to universities and technical institutes, we help navigate changes across operations and services. We partner you in transforming how students learn in the new age, and how the faculty and administrators adapt to new delivery methods, making sure you lead from the front.